Kenya Day Excursion Trip

Kenya Day Excursion Trip


Our day trip is designed for the visitor who has limited time and who is not interested in reaching any of the summits. This safari is tailored to those who are interested in seeing the fascinating vegetation zones of an equatorial mountain and the associated rich animal and bird life.


Depart from Naromoru at 0800hrs after briefing and equipment sorting by the guides.

You will then drive for about 16 kms to the park gate where you check-in the Mount Kenya national park, after a few minute of photo taking and viewing some wildlife such as bushbucks, waterbucks, baboons and bird life you board on our 4x4 vehicles which drive up to the road head of the Naro Moru Track (altitude 3,000m.Met.staion camp).

The guides will do a short talk and explain more about the vegetation around the camp. You will be provided with packed lunch then guides will sets a leisurely pace for a relaxing trek up the mountain through different vegetation from bamboo forest, hagenia trees to heathers trees and beginning of moorland covered by tussock grass and flowered cabbage robberies, also great views of lowland and Aberdare ranges. Along the way you will enjoy the enriched forest of birdlife and flowers on the high altitudes.

After 3- 4 hrs of ascending you will be on top of Teleki valley where we have the picnic rocks in time for lunch (3,700m). Enjoy your packed lunch with a good view.

After the lunch, we continue your stroll to the crest of the ridge at 4,000m, from which vantage point you have a splendid view of the main peaks as well as the Teleki Valley.

Then descend down to Met. Station (2-3hrs) where we find our 4x4 vehicles waiting and be transferred back to the lodge for a hot shower and a well-earned rest.

Trekking time: 6 hours.
Distance: 10 km.
Rating: Medium.
Altitude gained: 700m.

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